
Keynote speaker
Prof. PhD Liliana Zaharia
Zaharia Liliana Prof. Liliana Zaharia is a Bachelor of Geology – Geography Department of Bucharest University, specialization Geography – French Language since 1986. Within 1986 – 1989, she was a teacher of Geography and French at the Industrial Secondary School no 3 of from Buzau, and within 1989 – 1992, she activated as a hydrologist researcher at the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology from Bucharest. Since the autumn of 1992, she occupied the post of assistant lecturer at the Geography Faculty of Bucharest University, Department of Meteorology – Hydrology, where, starting from 2006, she has got the degree of university professor. She is a Doctor in Geography since 1997. Within 2000 – 2002, she attended the post-graduate course “Hydrology and Water Resources Management” organized in Switzerland, by the Polytechnic Schools from Lausanne and Zurich (EPFL and ETH) and the University from Neuchâtel. Since 2007, she has been a doctoral advisor, and since 2006, she is the director of the research center “Landscape and Water Resources Management”, which became in 2011 the research center “The Water Resources and Water Related Risks Management”. In the framework of the Geography Department, she teaches courses and practical works at water-related disciplines (General Hydrology, Frequencial Hydrology, Hydrological Risks, etc.). She carries out research activities in the field of the continental hydrology, water resources management, water related risks. The research activity results have been published in scientific books and articles (8 books/book chapters; more than 100 paper/abstracts in scientific journals and conferences abstract volumes) and have been presented at national and international scientific reunions (more than 100 presentations at international conferences). She coordinated 3 research projects at national level and 4 international projects/grants and she was a member of the research teams of 14 national projects and 1 international project. The most representative of the paper works she is author or co-author are: The Water Resources of Putna River Basin. A Hydrology Study (Resursele de apă din bazinul râului Putna. Studiu de hidrologie) (1999); Hydrology (Hidrologie) (2001, 2002); Hydro-geo-morphological Systems in the Romanian Plain. Hazard – Vulnerability – Risk (Sisteme hidrogeomorfologice din Câmpia Română. Hazard - vulnerabilitate – risc (2012); chapters The Waters (Apele) and Hydrological Hazards (Hazarde hidrologice), in the volume The Natural Hazards in the Carpathians and Sub-Carpathians between Trotuş and Teleajen. A Geographical Study (Hazardele naturale din Carpaţii şi Subcarpaţii dintre Trotuş şi Teleajen. Studiu geografic) (2005), coordinated by Sandu Maria and Bălteanu Dan; chapter Sediment Transport and River Channel Dynamics in Romania – Variability and Control Factors in Sediment Transport in Aquatic environments (2011), editor Andrew J. Manning; chapter Romanian Danube River Management: Impacts and Perspectives, in the paper work European Continental Hydrosystems under Changing Water Policy (2013), editors G. Arnaud-Fassetta, E. Masson & E. Reynard.

©Department of Geography. Valahia University of Targoviste