Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief: Petre Gastescu, Hyperion University of Bucharest (Romania)
Managing Editor: Petre Bretcan, Valahia University of Targoviste (Romania)
Volume 10(2) / 2016
ISSN: 1844-6477 (print version)
ISSN: 2284-5305 (electronic version)







Radwan ABD ELLAH 1, Tarek EL-GEZIRY 2*

1National Institute of Oceanography and Fishes 101 Kasr El-Ainy Street, Cairo, Egypt Phone No: 002 0227921341 E mail: Abdellah555@hotmail.com
2Laboratory of Physical Oceanography, National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Kayitbey Road, Al-Anfoushy, 21556, Alexandria, Egypt; Phone: +201143946353; Email:*tarekelgeziry@yahoo.com


Lake Nasser is a man-made lake that represents the national freshwater bank of Egypt. The Lake's reservoir is about 300 km long. The Lake is featured by the presence of numerous dendritic inlets, or side extensions of the reservoir, known as khors. While most of these Khors are narrow and extend for long distances into the desert, some other Khors are very wide. The Lake, and consequently its Khors, may have fluctuated in the surface area and the morphometerical features; due to the increasing population, the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam building, in addition to the climate change. A bathymetric survey was conducted, for the first time, on five Khors in Lake Nasser. The bathymetric contours for each Khor were used to produce hypsographic curves relating water level in each Khor to its surface area and volume. The surveyed Khors comprised Khor Toushka (area of 184.8 km2), Khor Dahmit (area of 12.0 km2), Khor Abu Askar (area of 36.7 km2), Khor Batikh (area of 7.1 km2) and Khor Dahab (area of 13.3 km2). A large number of scattered islands, of various sizes, can be observed within the Khors. These islands represent the tops of former hills. Fluctuations in the water level in Lake Nasser greatly impact on the number, the location and the size of these observed islands.

Keywords: Lake Nasser; Egypt, khor, bathymetry, water level

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